
Networked Restless Bandits with Positive Externalities

Restless multi-armed bandits are often used to model budget-constrained resource allocation tasks where receipt of the resource is associated with an increased probability of a favorable state transition. Prior work assumes that individual arms only …

Planning to Fairly Allocate: Probabilistic Fairness in the Restless Bandit Setting

Restless and collapsing bandits are often used to model budget-constrained resource allocation in settings where arms have action-dependent transition probabilities, such as the allocation of health interventions among patients. However, SOTA …

MedNLI Is Not Immune: Natural Language Inference Artifacts in the Clinical Domain

Crowdworker-constructed natural language inference (NLI) datasets have been found to contain statistical artifacts associated with the annotation process that allow hypothesis-only classifiers to achieve better-than-random performance (Poliak et al., …


An open-source NLP framework for clinical phenotyping.

Blockchain Platform to Facilitate Patient-Directed Record Sharing

An Ethereum-based prototype platform to facilitate patient-directed provider-to-provider record sharing.

Chest X-ray Disease Diagnosis with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

PyTorch-based pipeline to use CNNs to detect and localize the 14 thoracic pathologies present in the NIH Chest X-ray dataset.